101 Teacher Training - Week 2

Welcome to Week 2. This week we dig into the theory behind the Takeda Technique, so be ready to take the red pill.

That said, the homework for these first four weeks are all the same: reviewing the work from the October 2021 Self-Tape 101 students. This week you can listen to their audio a with a more critical ear, and also see if they are beginning to experiment with Rembrandt lighting which is the week’s lesson.

Any questions? If so email me at scott@talktothecamera.com or call me at 310-499-8037. Let’s get started on your homework.

Click on this LINK to see the Self-Tape 101 homework page. Just review the stuff so you’re familiar with their assignment.

  1. Click on this LINK to see the week 2 self tapes from our students. This week I’m adding three new X-Factor students, including one who will be with us through our training. His name is Cameron. We’ll discuss this more in class, and why I selected him.

  2. As always, you have your blank Excel and Word documents to do your evaluations and your cheat-sheets to use as you need.

  3. Click on this LINK to watch Week 2 of the October 2021 Zoom workshop. I always sign on early so just scroll through until you see the start of class.

  4. Email me your evaluations at scott@talktothecamera.com by 6pm (LA time) two days before our class.

Wait! There’s more! If you have Netflix, please take 16 minutes and watch the episode “Beauty” in the second season of the series “Explained.” Pay special attention to the portion five minutes into the episode talking about the study conducted by two Russian artists named Alexander Melamid and Vitaly Komar. Fascinating stuff.