Self Tape 101 - Week 3
This is your Week 3 homework assignment. Feel free to experiment and apply some of the lessons you learned about lighting in this mock-audition.
Click on the link below to download your side. This is for a pretend network series shooting in Vancouver, Canada. This is a family dramedy set in a small town. Think “This Is Us“ meets Netflix’ “Virgin River.”
The role is a recurring, top-of-show guest star, and a possible romantic interest for one of the series leads. The character description is as follows: After years away, Chris (or Kelly) has moved back to Whitney Lakes. His/her return has started the town buzzing with rumors, because he/she had originally left under a cloud of mystery. Things really start heating up when he/she runs into Kelly (or Chris) at the local library.
Choose either the Chris or Kelly role and self tape it. Feel free to send more than one take.
Please shoot a full-body slate. During your slate, say your name, height, your citizenship (USA, Canadian, UK, etc), and if you have a valid passport.
Please send separate files for everything. So at a minimum, you will be sending two files: one for your slate and one for your audition. If you do additional takes, send that as a separate file.
MOV, MP4, or MV4 files only.
Label the file Firstname-Lastname_ROLE_TAKE1 (i.e. Lucy-Simpson_KELLY_TAKE1 or Homer-Simpson_KELLY_TAKE2 or Charlie-Brown_CHRIS_SLATE)
Email a downloadable link of your self tape file to your teacher. Use a file transfer site like Hightail or WeTransfer. (No YouTube or Dropbox).
All file sizes must be less than 120 MB.
Due by NOON (PDT) two days prior to our next workshop. (No late submissions without casting approval)
Here are links to Week 3’s required reading/viewing. Enjoy!
ARVOLD Conversation: CD advice on self tape
The Legend of Benedict Cumberbatch’s Self Tape
Emma Stone – Easy A online, webcam audition